Looking to increase the network of your partners with the end goal to sell your service or product to a larger number of customers? This is where Business Development comes to act.
Most of our work is about listening, asking the right questions and delivering the right message.
We will enable you to find pre-existing sales teams or communities that will help you reach new audiences.
Or you are looking to form a strategic alliance or partnership with local firms already operating in the region? We can help.
Is it sales? "Yes"
Is it networking? "Yes"
Is it negotiating? "Yes"
Yes, it is all the above. In short we would define it as: "A process covering several important factors: right relationships, smart approach, strategic thinking... all achieved through simple short-term activities in accordance with a complex long-term strategic plan."
...to achieve a complex long-term strategic plan.
We want to know your strengths and advantages but we are most interested in your issues, the impact of those issues to your organization in measurable terms, and the importance of solving that issue for the prospect now versus later.
And at the end of the day, it's all about keeping it real and sticking to the action plan.
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